Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Proportion and Perspective

While making the two drawing from observation, yesterday and today, I had a quite a hard time throughout the process. Yesterday the objective was to draw what we saw from our own perspective from a bunch of different objects, such as chairs, bowls, and a large bulletin board. Today, we again had to draw from our own perspective by looking at different sized shapes on a large table. One of the things I felt was pretty easy for me was noticing when I made a mistake while drawing. For example, if I placed a certain object to far of where it was suppose to be, then I would erase and use my eyes to see of where would be the ideal place to put the object on my paper. However, I found a few challenges through the process. One was drawing all the objects unproportional to what I was actually looking at. One time I drew a chair very large and did not think of how looked proportioned to the other objects on the paper. Also, I had a hard time multi-tasking. When doing perspective drawing, a good drawer can always multi-task and look at what their drawing and their paper. However, I tended to just look at my paper and have the image in my brain, rather than having a better sense of what I was really drawing.

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