I think the strengths of my work of art is that it gets a message across of who I really am. I get to tell the most important aspects of my life, but in a piece of art. If someone I did not know very well would look at my artwork they would know that I come from an Austrian background, due to the red and white background, and would also realize I spend most of my time with my friends, family, and playing my favorite sports. While looking at my art, the parts of my story that come through the most is my heritage. I tried to make that part stand out the most because my Grandma was a very big believer of where she came from and always wanted to continue her proper Austrian ways. The artistic choices that allowed this to happen was that, since a orginial Ipod has color on it and people choose an Ipod that is their favorite color or that represents themselves, I decided to make the background of my Ipod the color of the Austrian flag. Those colors represent myself the best, since it is where my family came from and it is who I am.
I liked how you used the headphones connecting the pictures and i liked how you had the battery full kind of like your full of life.
ReplyDeleteThe pictures going down from the headphones was a very creative idea and the whole thought process really came through in the end. The vision of what's most important to you and what makes up you flowing through the headphones is really cool and thoughtful.
ReplyDeleteI love how it seemed like the music playing was your life, it was really creative. I also like the symmetry and balance of the Austrian flag colors in the ipod design.
ReplyDeleteI loved the idea of yours. I thought that the ipod with the words was very much like the outline! and I loved the stream of pictures hanging down from it!
I really liked you idea and how it turned out! It was really cool! Having all of those things about you listed on the ipod really gave a good idea of who you are. Also having all of the things that are important to you hanging off of the headphones gave it a cool look and showed more of an idea of what is important to you. It also kind of seemed like the pictures were coming out of the headphones which was really cool. Also having the two read stripes on the ipod gave the whole piece a nice sense of symmetry.
ReplyDeleteI really loved the symmetry in your portrait. The idea of the ipod playing your life and picture coming out of the headphones was really cool.
ReplyDeleteSpencer, I really liked the whole concept of your portrait. I think the iPod was probably one of the most unique ideas came up with for the project. It showed you understood the concept well. It was a very balanced picture and all the symbolism in it was very original (the full battery, the time on the iPod, etc.). I think you did a really good job creativitey-wise on this project. Oh, and you were really cute as a little kid haha, I just thought I'd let you know.
ReplyDeleteSpencer, I really liked how well the picture went with itself. How the pictures hung of the picture was an awesome idea, and how it looked like the pictures were the sound coming out of them.
ReplyDeleteSpemcer,I really enjoyed how you colored the ipod the color of your flag it not only emphizied the ipod but the flag as well. I also enjoyed how you had the pictures of you family and other very important things coming out of the head phones. Lastly i liked how you put little details like the time being the date of your b-day and the battery being full of life. I really liked your piece.
ReplyDeleteSpencer good work. I liked how everything in the picture was symbolic of something, weather it was the color of the ipod or the time 7:07 everything was thought about carefully. The levels and branches were very cool because it gave your portrait great volume and made it appealing to the eye. The pictures hanging were very creative and the way they came from the ipod was also very symbolic. Good Job.
ReplyDeleteI really liked the shape of your project!!!!!! it was really original and unique. I think that incorporating the pictures also made it very personable. Good Job!!!!
ReplyDeleteSpence, I really like that you had the things that matter to you coming from the headphones that was a really innovative idea. I thought the different details you added that said something about you was really interesting, every detail had an importance
ReplyDeleteI like how you incorparated every aspect into one large thing. For example the ipod and the headphones were put together from smaller pieces. This really made everything else easier to follow. This also made everything seem more organized yet had a slight piece of messiness that made it seem really like a piece of art and not a project.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed your portrait It was very nice.I really like the head phones speaking our memories and pictures. I also discovered that you were very interested in your heritage. I also liked how you utilized the screen of the Ipod to write your "I am's" instead of writing songs.