I think the strengths of my work of art is that it gets a message across of who I really am. I get to tell the most important aspects of my life, but in a piece of art. If someone I did not know very well would look at my artwork they would know that I come from an Austrian background, due to the red and white background, and would also realize I spend most of my time with my friends, family, and playing my favorite sports. While looking at my art, the parts of my story that come through the most is my heritage. I tried to make that part stand out the most because my Grandma was a very big believer of where she came from and always wanted to continue her proper Austrian ways. The artistic choices that allowed this to happen was that, since a orginial Ipod has color on it and people choose an Ipod that is their favorite color or that represents themselves, I decided to make the background of my Ipod the color of the Austrian flag. Those colors represent myself the best, since it is where my family came from and it is who I am.