The work if Ingrid Calame does seem familiar because it looks similar to the painting we have been doing in class. For example, like the project on the pour painting, many of Calame's work looked very much like the images of the pour painting assignment. Ingrid Calame is an artist who does her paintings and designs by looking at stains or a clutter of things in the world. She isn't the type of artist who thinks of an image to paint and makes it perfect on a piece of paper. Instead, she goes out into the real world and looks for stains within the ground that catch her attention. If she sees something then she will sit down adjacent from the picture she is attracted to and trace it out, then bring it back to her office. After, Calame then colors in the traces she created with all different kinds of colored pencils. After starting, she creates a big picture full of all different colors that looks like a map, but really it is a huge painting of found images within the world. Calame makes her drawings thew ay they are because when she was a little girl she always wanted to draw maps of the world, and that she has the opportunity to go around and do something different, she chooses to do that. However, instead of making a real map, she makes a map of found images that she finds on her own and traces! The image that I have chosen got my attention really easily and I love all the colors. Also, you would never know that there are found images in this painting that Ingrid Calame created.
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